Board Meeting March 24, 2011

Posted by thawkx4
Meeting Date: 
Thursday, March 24, 2011 - 19:00

1. Board members present were resigned Board members John Baker and Renee Edel and Current board members Randy Fay, Denny, Tanya Hawkins, Duke Cox, Ray Musser and Sandie Cooper. May it be noted that Sharon Hytinen is no longer on the board due to the sale of her property in the Montclair subdivision. New/current board members where approved as follows: Randy Fay replacing John Baker as President, Denny Wagner replacing Tanya Hawkins as Vice President, Tanya Hawkins replacing Renee Edel as Secretary, Vicki Miller remaining Treasurer but is not a board member and Walt Smith, Duke Cox, Ray Musser and Sandi cooper as board members.

2. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by all board members and the minutes for the 11-11-10 meeting were read by Tanya Hawkins. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Duke Cox and 2nd by Randy Fay. The board approved the minutes unanimously. Duke Cox then read the minutes from the 2-13-11 Montclair home owner’s annual meeting and approved unanimously.

3. Renee updated the board on an email that was sent to Frank Watt with the Town of Palisade regarding maintenance and upkeep of sidewalks. Frank stated in a reply email that it is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain and repair the sidewalk adjacent to their property but also wanted to meet to look at her concerns. Tanya Hawkins will follow up with Frank Watt regarding sidewalk maintenance along with getting in contact with Ruth Young (872) regarding her personal sidewalk project. Tanya Hawkins is wanting to have concrete poured in an approximate 10’ x 10’ section that is an extension of her drive way . Tanya Hawkins will try to incorporate the sidewalk repairs, Ruth’s improvements as well as her driveway extension to reduce cost to all parties. Tanya and Ruth’s projects will be paid for privately.

4. The board reviewed the access road estimate from Ed Stehlin for $5,072.00 that incorporated relocating a 4” main sprinkler line and 5 shrubs. It was discussed that the estimate could possibly be lowered if Ed could avoid moving the main sprinkler line and adjusting the initial location of the access road. Ray Musser will contact Ed within the next few days regarding the proposed adjustments. It was discussed that getting the access road in before the irrigation system was turned on for the season would be in our best interest. Ray will contact the board members via phone with this information and a vote will be held via phone by the board members if necessary.

5. John Baker gave the treasures report. Two members were late on dues and notices had been sent. We have $12,434.41 in checking and $7,048.58 in reserves. Ray Musser asked that the board consider moving funds from the checking account into the reserve account in January of each year. The board advised that Vicki Miller (treasurer) should be present for the board to make a decision regarding moving the funds. Ray Musser made a motion to accept the treasurers report, Sandi Cooper 2nd the motion and the board approved it unanimously.

6. Duke Cox asked the board for approval to place stepping stones along the side of his unit in the river rock for easier access around his property and the board approved his request unanimously.

7. John Baker will be arranging with the Pump Man to inspect the operation of the pump and it was clarified that this expense has already been accounted for in the 2011 budget.

8. Randy Fay set the next board meeting for June 23rd at 7:00 at John Bakers home.

9. Ray Musser moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 pm and Sandi Cooper 2nd the motion.