Regular Board Meeting Dec 15, 2016

Posted by rfay
Meeting Date: 
Tuesday, December 15, 2015 - 19:00

The meeting was called to order 7:08pm December 15, 2016. Present were Dan Bollig, Sandie Cooper (President), Tanya Hawkins (Treasurer), Nancy Lewis (Landscaping), Christie Musser, Ray Musser (Landscaping), Tim Laudick, Randy Fay (Secretary).

Approval of minutes

Tim Laudick moved to accept Sept 8 meeting minutes, the motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer's Report from Tanya Hawkins

Only one unit has an outstanding payment, the others up-to-date.

Current account balances:
Savings: $29,398
Checking: $7359

She is ready to do the first quarter statements, and has had no glitches with the switchover from Quickbooks Enterprise 7 to Xero (an online service).

Randy Fay moved to transfer $2K to savings right away. Ray Musser seconded, it was approved unanimously.

Balance Sheet and Income Statement are attached.

Landscaping Report from Nancy Lewis

Nancy, Tim, and Ray Interviewed and got bids from 3 landscaping companies, including this year's vendor.

They chose WD Yards, who gave a fixed bid of $22,634, which includes trimming shrubs, trees, landscaping, and irrigation maintenance, but does not include insecticide application.

Tim Laudick moved and Ray Musser seconded to accept the WD Yards contract. The contract was approved unanimously.

Architectural issues

It was noted that one unit changed the style of their storm doors without architectural discussion, but the group felt no need to be concerned. HOA members are reminded to run architectural changes by the board.

Unfinished business

  1. Discussion of proposed Welcome to neighborhood and rules. Discussion of the Emergency Contact Notification form - the group agreed that it should be changed from "We received the rules" to just "Emergency Contact Notification", and requested from every owner. Randy and Sandie will follow up.
  2. Community Association Manager applications: We are up-to-date and don't need to do anything.
  3. Randy and Tim got and scanned current Montclair Plats. They are up-to-date on website.
  4. Teri Cardell brought the HOA safe and it is now at Randy and Nancy's house, 848 Montclair Drive.
  5. Spraying for weeds on east-side alley asphalt was done.
  6. The Spare Key to the message board by the post boxes was found and is marked and living in Randy and Nancy's kitchen junk drawer.

New Business

  1. The 2016 Proposed budget was discussed and edited. The board agreed on it to be presented to the full membership at the annual meeting. Since the board will have one more meeting before
  2. March 3, 2016 (Thursday) board meeting, then Sunday, March 6, 2016, 3pm for annual meeting, at Ray and Christie Musser's house, 856 Montclair Drive.
  3. Dan Bollig will not be here for the next couple of years so had to resign from the board. New members from our community are always anticipated!

Action items

  • Randy will make a neighborhood email list.
  • Someone will ask people who do so not to park in front of the mailbox.
  • Nancy will contact all landscaping bidders and thank them, try to keep their goodwill for the future.
  • Sandie and Randy will edit and prepare the emergency contact form.
  • Tanya will move $2000 from checking to savings.