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Board Meeting, July 2, 2009
1. Board members present were John Baker, Ray Musser, Sandie Cooper, Renee Edel, Mishcha McCabe, Duke Cox, and Walt Smith. Vickie Miller, the Treasurer, and Peggy Cox were also present.
2. John Baker called the meeting to order. The minutes from the Board meeting on 3/14/09 were read and approved by the Board. The motion was made by Sandie and 2nd by Ray, the motion passed unanimously.
3. Ray Musser gave a report to the Board on the vineyard. The lease was re-negotiated per the decision at the 3/14/09 Board meeting. The new lease was reviewed and then signed by all Board members and Mr. Sauvage (see lease). The vineyard has been installed by Mr. Sauvage. Ed Stehlin was hired to bring the irrigation water to the south property for $625.00. The copy of the notarized lease will be stored in the firebox.
4. Vickie gave a financial report to the Board (see Profit & Loss 1/1-7/2/09). She reports that collections are going fine this quarter. She also reports that a letter regarding dogs in the neighborhood was sent out with the statements. There is $7911.00 in the checking account. No ‘reserve fund’ was set-up yet because that money was used to pay for the pump repairs and tree replacement.
5. Ray Musser gave a detailed report on the pump problems and repairs. One small repair was done by ‘the Pump Man’ for $125.90 in the early spring. Ray later became aware that the ‘discharge pressure line’ was not holding pressure and there must be a leak, but the leak could not be located. Six weeks later the leak underneath the pump-house became apparent. Mesa Turf was called and they declined to fix the problem. Ed Stehlin was contacted and he agreed to fix the problem. Phil (neighborhood developer) and B&G were contacted but no one knew who designed the exiting water lines and therefore there was no available pipe plan. Then there was an additional 5 day wait for the utilities to be marked. Mr. Stehlin dug multiple holes and finally the leak and piping was located. He put a new above the ground ‘discharge pressure line’ which makes better sense for future care. The entire process took 7days until the water was available again. Ed Stehlin’s bill was $1732.41, but this also included replacing 3 dead trees in the neighborhood.
6. Ray Musser gave a report regarding Michael Horn. Mr. Horn filed a ‘formal complaint’ with the Dept of Agriculture saying that weed spraying in our neighborhood damaged his grape crop. A person from the Dept of Agriculture was on site taking soil samples. Mesa Turf was contacted by her and by the HOA. Mesa Turf has a ‘commercial applicators license’ and therefore the HOA has no liability. Any updates will be given at the next Board meeting.
7. The Board members discussed concerns and complaints regarding Mesa Turf. Some of the complaints were dry spots, chipped sidewalks, weeds, no aeration, and limited lawn fertilizing. The Board read and reviewed the contract with Mesa Turf.
The Board determined that the following was not being done:
No aeration done this spring
Lawn fertilized once (suppose to be 5 times this year)
Billed for irrigation repairs that were already covered by the contract
Broken sprinkler heads not being noticed and repaired.
Weeds not sprayed since 5/5/09
Weeds not being pulled manually as per contract
The decision was made that Ray would contract Mesa Turf and discuss complaints with the owner. The Board may even ask for money back depending on the outcome of the conversation. This issue will be discussed again at the next meeting.
8. John mentioned that he has a friend with formal landscape training and he would ask for this person’s help. He will discuss the possibility of designing a 5 year plan to move the landscape in the neighborhood toward xeriscaping.
9. Ray reported that 2 owners put a small area of grass in their backyards without contacting the Board for approval.
10. The Board reviewed and updated the ‘Montclair Rules & Regulation’ handout and the Montclair Rental or Non-owner Resident Notification’ handout. These forms will be sent to owners soon along with financials.
11. Completed tasks this spring were the pump-house fan installation, tree pruning, and doggy-bag dispenser installation. Board members will plant shrubs this fall to replace dead shrubs in the neighborhood.
12. The meeting was adjourned.