Montclair Quarterly Board Meeting

Posted by Nelz
Meeting Date: 
Sunday, April 2, 2023 - 06:00

Montclair HOA Board Meeting
Attendees: Sandie Cooper, Randy Fay, Kristie Musser, Ray Musser, Linda Odette, Nancy Elzas, Gene Fourney, Bill Carlson
Meeting called to order 6:00 PM 4/2/23.


Treasurer’s Report
Minutes previous meeting - Randy F. motioned for approval, Sandie Cooper seconded, approved.

Budget 2023 is same as last year.

Income of $18,411 for 1st quarter. Checking $19,000, Reserve $36,997. Only expenses 1st Q tree trimming.

Goal of dues increase to $315/qtr (9% increase) is to get reserve to $44,000. Higher landscaping costs anticipated.

Discussion started by Gene F. as to why we aren’t getting landscape bids now since Bookcliff contract ending 2023. Discussion about past landscape contracts and that in the Fall, additional bids will be reviewed. Gene F. wants to be involved in landscape bids.

Board can raise dues by 10% without vote by all HOA members.
Motion to accept treasurer’s report by Gene F, Nancy E. seconded. Motion approved.

Tree Fertilizing & Spraying
Nancy L. did get a quote and Board voted via email to have 4T spray ash trees and some bushes for $2,700 which has been paid to get the discount.
Bookcliff did aeration and sprayed pre-emergent, still need to do stump removal at end of Montclair Dr. A resident removed the dead apple tree.

Old Business
Submergible pump purchased by Tim, but keeps raining, so hasn’t been able to do it.

Linda asked about decreasing grass at Montclair. Randy says a study done 10 years ago by some residents, and Board at the time couldn’t accept the proposed amount to add xeriscaping. Bill Carlson says a State House Bill passed to allow grants for xeriscaping.

Dog Waste Committee was an Action Item from Quarterly 1/17/23 Meeting, but no discussion as some board members do not want to discuss this and do not think there is a current problem.

Ray motioned meeting adjourned, Linda seconded. Meeting adjourned 6:50.