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Annual Meeting
1. John Baker, the president, called the meeting to order at 4:10pm. The Members were welcomed to the meeting and thanked them for attendance. The signatures and proxy forms were counted. There were 12 members present and 7 proxy forms. The Board was introduced to the members.
2. Vickie Miller gave the Treasure’s report and reviewed the current Balance Sheet. The current checking account balance is $12,195.47. The money market account for the ‘capitol reserve fund’ has a current balance of $7048.58. Vickie reported that collections overall are going well. There are 3 members that are late with their dues for 1st QTR of this year. A motion was made by Walt Smith (837) and 2nd by Sandy Cooper (832) to accept the treasure’s report. The motion passed unanimously.
3. John Baker informed the members that the Board recently renewed a landscape contract with Todd Coffin of Columbine Landscaping for 2011. The landscape contract increased by $500.00 for this year to cover increasing fertilizer costs. The Board also added $1000.00 to the budget to pay for shrub pruning. In addition, the Board renewed a contract with Ed Stehlin for 2011 for the irrigation upkeep. The Board was very pleased last year with the work of both companies.
4. John Baker, Renee Edel, and Duke Cox reviewed the long history of problems with the irrigation pump and irrigation system. It was explained to the members that the most pressing problem at this time with the irrigation system is the lack of access to dredge the pond and repair the pump. The only solution to providing access is to build a lane along the west (orchard side) property line. This would require moving some irrigation pipes, plants, and relocating the gate on the pump-house fence. More stone would be needed but there is a lot of stone already behind most of these units. Ed Stehlin will be giving the Board an estimate soon since this access needs to be completed this spring. All members present seemed to understand and agree with the Board’s decision.
5. John Baker, Randy Fay, and Duke Cox explained the request from the Board to increase the dues to $80.00 per month. This was discussed in great detail by all the members. The reasons for the request are posted on the website at for those members who were unable to attend the annual meeting. The motion was made by Duke Cox (818) and 2nd by Dave Hull (832) to increase the dues to $80.00 per month. The motion passed 18 to 1. The increase will go in effect 2nd QTR of this year.
6. John Baker reviewed the 2011 Budget in detail with the members. A motion was made by Renee Edel (844) and 2nd by Nancy Lewis (848) to accept the 2011 Budget. The Budget passed 18 to 1. The 2011 Budget is also posted on the website.
7. John informed the members of Michael Horn’s proposal to put a plastic barrier on his fence to stop our irrigation water from mudding up his access road to his vineyard. This would be located along the east property line behind units 820 through 837. This would benefit the HOA because it would keep more of our water on our lawns. Mr. Horn would like the HOA to pay for 50% of the expense, which would be approximately $200.00 - $400.00. The Board has already decided this would be a good idea but it wanted to inform the members whose units would be directly affected. The fence material was shown to the members and there was no disagreement with the Board’s decision.
8. Any member that had not signed a certificate for the Bylaws per Mr. Croker request was asked to do so.
9. Randy Fay reminded all members that we have a website, All Board meeting minutes are posted along with the budget and other important information. Please check out the website.
10. John Baker informed the Members that 2 Board members needed to be elected. The new Board members elected by the members are Ray Musser and Duke Cox. John Baker and Renee Edel resigned from the Board.
13. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.
(Pending final approval at the next HOA Board Meeting)