Annual Meeting, February 14, 2010

Posted by Anonymous (not verified)
Meeting Date: 
Sunday, February 14, 2010 - 16:00


1. John Baker, the president, called the meeting to order at 4:00pm. The Members were welcomed to the meeting and thanked them for attendance. The signatures and proxy forms were counted. There were 12 members present and 9 proxy forms.  

2. John Baker read the 2009 Annual Meeting minutes. The minutes were approved by the Members. The motion was made by Walt Smith (837) and 2nd by Duke Cox (818), the motion passed unanimously. John Baker welcomed our new neighbors Randy Fay and Nancy Lewis (848). He also introduced the current Board members.  

3. Treasurer Vickie Miller reviewed the 2009 Profit & Loss statement and the current Balance Sheet. The current checking account balance is $7526.05. A money market account was recently opened for the ‘capitol reserve fund’ and the current balance is $7000.00. Vickie reported that collections are going well. A motion was made by Cathy O’Shana (865) and 2nd by Randy Fay (848) to except the 2010 treasurer’s report. The motion passed unanimously. 

4. John Baker and Renee Edel explained to the Members that the Board was currently getting bids for the landscape maintenance. It is the intension of the Board to hire Ed Stehlin to oversee the irrigation in the neighborhood this summer and then have an additional company responsible for the mowing, fertilizing, and weeding. The irrigation has been a problem in the past and hopefully having Ed Stehlin involved will decrease the problems with the system. 

5. John Baker and Duke Cox explained the long history of problems with the irrigation pump in detail. The current plan is to have the ‘Pump Man’ assess the system as soon as the water is turned on in the spring. No repairs are possible until the water is available. There is money in the budget to replace the motor and/or the control panel for the pump if needed. There is also money in the budget to clean the pond of weeds in the spring.

It was explained that the pump was not working for 3 weeks last June and there were problems again in the fall. The pump’s unreliability is what delayed replacing shrubs and grass last fall. 

6. The members talked in great detail about a possible 5 year plan to change the neighborhood landscaping to xeriscaping. This would save water and decrease stress on the pump. After much discussion the members want the Board to explore the possibility of a ‘master plan’ from CSU or a local nursery. The Board will initiate this process at the next Board meeting. Nancy Lewis (848) brought up the idea of a community vegetable garden. Other members seemed interested and Nancy confirmed she would be involved in the process. 

7. John Baker brought up the on-going problem of dog waste in the neighborhood. Dave Hull (832) said Members can call Pat Meyers with the Town of Palisade at 464-5602 and report problems with dog waste and leash laws. 

8. John Baker, Renee Edel, and Vickie Miller reviewed the 2010 Budget. The Budget was approved by the Members. The motion was made by Dave Hull (832) and 2nd by Randy Fay (848), the motion passed unanimously.  

9. Sharon Hytenin (805) asked about the Bylaws. It was explained that the Board hired attorney Joe Croker to file the Homeowners Association with the State of Colorado and complete any other legal registration/ paperwork. Mr. Croker told the Board that each Member is to sign a certificate which will be held with the Bylaws. Randy Fay (848) said he would create a website for the HOA where Bylaws, minutes, treasurer reports, etc. can be posted. The Members were very thankful and approved of a website. 

10. Randy Fay (848) reported that he was told that the Covenants are not clear on whose responsibility it is for example if a fire in one unit spread to an adjoining unit. He requested that the Board have a ‘formal statement’ regarding everyone’s liability with their units so that each Member’s responsibility is understood. A real-estate attorney is probably the best person to hire for this legal statement. Randy also requested that the Board address the issue of snow removal and make each Member aware of their responsibility. The Board will address these issues at the next meeting. 

11. There was a long discussion started by Duke Cox (818) regarding another neighborhood close by that was sold to a ‘housing resource group’. After much discussion Dave Hull (832), who is on the town council for Palisade, recommended that the Members not be concerned at this time because the Town of Palisade has a very defensible legal position. 

12. John Baker informed the Members that 3 Board members needed to be elected. Randy Fay (848), Sharon Hytenin (805), Tonya Hawkins (861), and Nancy Lewis (848) were all properly nominated for the elections. The Members voted by secret ballot and the results were counted by non-member Charlene Weidner. Randy and Tanya both received 16 votes, Sharon received 15, and Nancy received 13 votes. The new Board members are Randy Fay, Sharon Hytenin, and Tonya Hawkins. 

13. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm.