
Posted by Teri Cardell
Meeting Date: 
Thursday, June 12, 2014 - 19:00

Attendees: Bill and Teri Cardell, Renee Edel, Randy Fay, Jack and Wilma Harbin, Don Krueger, Nancy Lewis, Denny Waggener and Ruth Young.

Treasurer’s report: Randy read the Treasurer’s report and a discussion ensued.  Teri will ask Tanya if she can show: 1) budgeted vs. actual in the reports and 2) how much is outstanding in HOA fee collections. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Treasurer’s report. The Treasurer's documents are located under the "documents" heading of this website.

Old Business: March minutes were read and approved with no changes.

Randy Fay said he spoke with owners at 835 and 837  about on street parking, problem seems to be better. Randy showed Ray how to add phone numbers and emails to the database.

Landscaping.  Rene Edel gave a report on landscaping issues. One timer board at 830 was replaced under warranty; we had to pay Todd an hour of labor for the work. It was agreed the use of fertilizer would be delayed to not interfere with the orchard. Ed’s helper drove a stake through an irrigation line causing problems that Todd had to fix at our expense. Renee will explain Ed that he will have to cover expenses if this type of problem recurs. The pond was only halfway dredged because water to pond was unexpectedly turned on, stopping the work. The Board should budget more for dredging next year, as there will be more muck to remove next year. We need to let Ed know in advance when the water is to be turned on so this doesn’t happen again. Rene will talk to Ed about Jack and Wilma’s yard, which still has bad drainage. The swamp has moved to a different spot, but is still there and it’s still a problem. The grass quality isn’t good and we want Ed to fix it at no additional expense. Don Krueger and Denny Waggener volunteered to assist Renee concerning this discussion with Ed if it’s needed.

Landscaping / Weeds. Todd is only responsible for weeds in the planters and spraying pre-emergent in the flower beds and common rock areas. Renee is to ask Todd what full weed control would cost.

Landscaping / Replacement shrubs. Don Krueger (#826) has a failing shrub and requested clarification on HOA policies. Specifically, he asked if he can replace a tree or shrub at his expense? Yes, he may so Don will replace the tree at his expense and will obtain tree choices from Renee.

To replace all the dead shrubs, Renee will assess how many we need and we will replace them in the Fall at the HOA’s expense. The Board will authorize $400, plus labor, for shrub replacement in the fall. No pruning will be done in the fall.

Landscaping / Asphalt cracks. There are several issues with large cracks in the asphalt alleys and this topic will be discussed at the next Board meeting.

New business: Nancy suggested creating a message board which would be located at the mailboxes. Nancy will price a board in the fall so it can be added as a line item in the budget.

Randy stated our covenants and bylaws are hard to read and understand so Don volunteered to retype them in a format that everyone can read, with all new amendments added.

Nancy asked if she could spend another $200 to paint the fence with sealer around the irrigation pump after the water is turned off. She ran out of sealer before she could finish the job so more is needed. A motion was made and seconded to let Nancy purchase more sealer up to $200.

Teri to look in the HOA’s safe for the vineyard contract so it can be put on the website.

 Next meeting: Will be held at Bill and Teri’s house (541 Main St) on September 18th  at 7 pm.