Board Meeting

Posted by thawkx4
Meeting Date: 
Thursday, September 20, 2012 - 19:00

Thursday 9/20/12

Randy Fay called the meeting to order at 7:14 pm. In attendance are Renee Edel, Randy Fay, Ray Musser, Tanya Hawkins, Vicki Miller, Susan Lasley and Bill and Teri Cardell. The board minutes from July 14th, 2012 were read and approved by the board.
Discussion began on the irrigation line that is now seeping through the ground onto HOA land west of Mike Horn’s property. The board discussed the options to alleviate the problem immediately and what long term solutions might be. Legal action could be too long term. Frank Watt with the city did a utility locate for the subdivision. Randy discovered that the water flow coming up at Ellie’s does correlate with water in the drain across hwy. Ray and Randy brought up the possibility that the water could also be coming from other sources. The board discussed stopping the water flow into the grate across the hwy and waiting a period of time to see if that would pin point the source. Ray made a motion to block the irrigation in cooperation with the town and the board agreed. The board also agreed to do a drain test before contacting an attorney.
The board discussed the letter from our attorney regarding the HOA’s obligation to the sidewalk repairs. The plat shows private property goes to the street. In that case, the HOA’s long term cost to maintain/repair sidewalks in those areas will be reduced. The common areas with sidewalk are the HOA’s responsibility. In the upcoming annual meeting the board will explain the HOA’s vs. the homeowners responsibilities. Renee will inform each resident of their responsibilities and if they want sidewalk repairs done.
A sympathy card was signed by the board members for Michael Horn and Tanya will deliver it to his widow.
Vicki Miller requested help regarding the comprehensive landscape plan and proposed the idea to do the plan in sections. Teri and Ray will coordinate how to avoid the $8,000 cost of hiring the landscape architect and to keep the project moving forward.
Randy mentioned that Oopsy Poopsy is now picking up behind the units now. Randy would like to add their service as a long term line item and proposed negotiating up to $100 a month. We will continue using their service and the board agreed to budget for them at the annual meeting.
There are items the board has changed in the bylaws and covenance that may need to be amended by an attorney. The board will discuss these items and the possibility of contacting an attorney at the next board meeting.
Board members will need to be elected for the next budget year.
Vicki gave the treasures report. There are 2 members that are behind on dues. We have $17,100.34 in checking and $6,638.29 in savings. Vicki will move $17,000.00 from checking to savings when dues are collected.
The board discussed if we need to budget for replacement of the retaining wall in the drainage area to the south of the subdivision. The board will discuss this further at the next board meeting.
Ed Stahlin, who has been maintaining the irrigation system, is selling his business. Todd, Ed’s nephew, will be taking over the business. John will negotiate the rest of the season costs and costs for the upcoming year’s budget with Todd.
Ray Musser brought up the possibility of some units having yard moles.
Renee noticed some damage to small trees in the subdivision from weed eaters. John will discuss this with the landscape crew.
Randy reminded the board that at the next board meeting we will need an annual budget to present at the annual meeting. The next board meeting will be December 13th, 2012 at John Baker’s home.