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Board Meeting
Meeting Date:
Thursday, December 11, 2014 - 19:00
Attendees: Bill & Teri Cardell, Randy Fay & Nancy Lewis, Ray Musser
Reports attached:
- Final landscaping plan from Renee Edel dated December, 2014.
- Landscaping Maintenance Contract
- Profit and Loss
- Balance Sheet
The HOA Board meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm. Minutes of the September 28, 2014 meeting were reviewed. The Treasurer’s report was not reviewed because the Treasurer was unable to attend the meeting. Old items from the September meeting were reviewed and discussed.
- Renee Edel provided a final landscaping plan for the HOA which is dated “December” and is attached. Renee negotiated a price reduction from $2500 to $2000 for pruning. Todd provided a quote for the 2015 work in the amount of $17,080. A contact was signed by Todd and the HOA President for this work. A copy of the contract is attached and it is also listed in the documents on line.
- A budget line was added to the 2015 budget for grub treatment.
- Sandy Cooper spoke with Frank Watt about the cracks in the road and in the alleys. Frank looked at the cracks and said it’s the Town’s responsibility to repair the cracks in the road, but it’s the HOA’s responsibility to repair the cracks in the alleys. Frank stated there are no funds available in the 2015 budget for road repair. We need to be placed on the budget for 2016 and we’d like Sandy to pursue this for the HOA.
- Nancy Lewis will purchase locks for the gate (to the pond) to better protect the pump house.
- Nancy Lewis will provide a credit card receipt to the Treasurer to obtain a refund for the purchase of the fence stain. The left over can of stain is in Randy Fay and Nancy Lewis’ garage.
- Nancy Lewis will order a small message board from Dallas Midwest. The board will cost $200 and $200 was allocated for labor and materials to install the board.
- Nancy Lewis will call the Planning Commission to discuss the problem with the intersections at Elberta, Highway 8 and the service roads.
- Nancy Lewis said parking in front of fire hydrants is no longer an issue because the people who were doing that moved.
- The covenant and bylaw documents still need to be proofread. It was decided a separate meeting needs to be scheduled to just proofread the documents.
- Randy Fay and Don Krueger prepared a 2015 budget. The budget was reviewed at this meeting and some adjustments were made (i.e., office supplies and utilities were reduced and those funds were entered into the “tree trimming” line.
New items discussed:
- Sandy Cooper purchased paint for the HOA and the cans will be given to Randy Fay/Nancy Lewis for safekeeping in their garage. Sandy will provide a receipt to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
- Bill Cardell will contact one of the local construction companies to ask how to repair the cracks (in the alleys).
- Ray Musser will ask Frank Watt to divert the tail water on the north side instead of on the south side and he will ask the Town do the repair next spring. Frank stated the repair would cost $26K, but that was a verbal quote.
- The fence will need to be looked at in the summer of 2016 to determine whether it needs to be re-stained or not. Randy made a record of this follow-up task.
- Ed Stehlin will dredge the pond when it's dry enough which should be in late winter or early spring. He will do spring setup/fall blowout, pond dredging and fixing major irrigation breaks for $40 per hour. He will manage the irrigation timers and small leaks for $55 per hour.
- Randy Fay and Nancy Lewis have the pond algaecide in their garage.
- Renee Edel recently moved out of the Montclair HOA and she was our Landscape Coordinator so we’ll need a replacement.
- Randy suggested purchasing a thank you gift for Renee Edel for all the work she did for the HOA and Teri offered to buy a gift. It was decided by Randy Fay and Teri Cardell, after the meeting, that $100 is an appropriate amount and this will be taken from the HOA’s Contingency Fund.
- Teri will follow up with Tanya Hawkins, our Treasurer, to obtain the financials and actuals.
Annual meeting: February 21, 2015 at 4 pm. The location is to be determined.
Next Board meeting: March 12, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the Cardell’s house (541 Main Street, Palisade).
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.