Board Meeting, February 26, 2009

Posted by Anonymous (not verified)
Meeting Date: 
Thursday, February 26, 2009 - 19:30



1. Board members present were Renee Edel, John Baker, Ray Musser, Sandie Cooper, Mishcha McCabe, and Walt Smith. Members present were Peggy Cox, Ruth Young, and Ellie Northup. Vickie Miller, the Treasurer, was also present.


2. The meeting began with a presentation from Ruth and Ellie (the landscape committee) regarding the South-end Project (written and graphic presentation available at request). The Board had informed the members at the annual meeting about leasing the land to Kaibab Sauvage to grow grapes (see annual meeting minutes). Ruth and Ellie presented an alternative plan. One hour was spent talking in great detail about the proposal.


Positive reasons for Xeriscaping are:

Improves home values                            Low flow irrigation decreases pump stress

Provides a view of the park                            A walking destination for north unit residents

An area for all members to enjoy



The cost for this project per GoodEarth Landscaping, LLC (quote obtained by Ruth Young) would be $7500.00 (no plants, to be installed at later date) or $8900.00 with 38 shrubs and 2 trees. These quotes include weed barrier, irrigation system, and gravel.  Ruth would donate $1200.00 in addition to the $2100.00 already budgeted for this project. In brief, this would cost each homeowner a one-time payment of $124.00 to $165.00.


3. The Board thanked Ellie and Ruth for their suggestions and work. Ellie and Ruth then left the meeting. The election of the Officers of the new Board was conducted. The results are as follows: John Baker is President, Duke Cox is Vice-president, and Renee Edel is Secretary. Sandie Cooper, Mishcha McCabe, and Walt Smith all declined officers positions. Vicker Miller is still Treasurer but not a Board member. Ray Musser is still the ‘landscape contact’ person for all members. All voting was unanimous.


4. The new Board resumed discussion regarding the landscape proposal. During this discussion it was explained to the new Board members that the previous Board had spent more than a year considering options, some of which included individual vegetable and flower gardens, native grasses, grapes, and parking. This proposal was discussed in detail for an additional hour.









Concerns about the Xeriscape plan are:

Increased liability with HOA park

Increased pump demand                                                       

Poor economy, some members are having money difficulties             

1/3-1/2 members probably would not use the park

Increased maintenance cost $1000.00-$1200.00 yearly

Overall expense


Positive Reasons for Grapes Option are:

Low installation cost; $2100.00 total ($1500.00 given by developer)

No additional yearly landscape maintenance cost

No special assessment to members

Low pump demand

Mr. Sauvage provides own liability coverage and maintains grapes at no cost to HOA

Attractive; brings more of Palisade’s vineyard atmosphere to the neighborhood

Wind barrier

Natural barrier to discourage walking to canal


Concerns about the Grapes Option are:

Limits use of land by members

Partially blocks view of the river


After a long discussion it was decided that the grapes are the best solution for the neighborhood at this time, especially with the economic situation. In the future a different plan can always be considered. Walt Smith made the motion to reject the Xeriscape proposal, Sandie Cooper 2nd. The motion passed unanimously. Ray Musser made the motion to lease the land to Mr. Sauvage, Renee Edel 2nd. The motion passed unanimously. Ray Musser will contact Mr. Sauvage next week.


5. Ray Musser contacted four landscape companies to get landscape maintenance quotes. Mesa Turf’s quote is very similar to last year’s contract. Two companies did not return his calls. The 4th company declined. Ray Musser made a motion to hire Mesa Turf for this year, John Baker 2nd. The motion passed unanimously.


6. Vickie reviewed the financials. $11,425.00 is in the account at this time. Some large bills will be starting in March, including Mesa Turf and the pump-house upgrades. Two members are not paying their dues, so a $25.00 fee will be added as per the covenants. Second Quarter Statements will be sent out in mid-March. The 2008 Financials and the 2009 Budget from the ‘annual meeting’ will be mailed to those who did not attend the meeting. The minutes from the annual meeting and this board meeting will also be sent out with the statements. The Board discussed putting the ‘Reserve Fund’ monies into a separate interest-baring account. John Baker made a motion for Vickie to put $5000.00 in an interest baring account for the HOA, 2nd by Walt Smith. The motion passed unanimously. Vickie will report back to the Board at the next meeting on the new account.


7. The Board purchased a firebox to protect important documents, including the Bylaws. This will be kept at Renee Edel’s home for the next year.


8. It was decided that Mesa Turf will be asked to replace dead shrubs in front of unit 813 and a dead tree north of unit 805. Ray Musser will talk with Mesa Turf regarding this.


9.  The ongoing issue of the missing diverter box has been dropped by the Board. Both the Town of Palisade and CDOT denied existence of such a box. The Board has no further action to take regarding this issue.


10. Multiple members are still complaining about dogs, especially regarding dog waste. Sandie Cooper will send Renee some examples of letters used on another HOA Board. Sandie said they charged people for noncompliance. Another option is to hire a pick-up service, but this cost approx $45.00 an hour. Renee will contact the Town of Palisade regarding doggy-bag dispensers.


11. The Board discussed a ‘yearly index increase’ for dues. It was decided that this increase is not appropriate at this time.


12. Ray and Duke will insulate and vent the pump-house to keep it cooler this summer and hopefully extend the life of the pump. Neither will charge the HOA money for their labor. We thank them both immensely.


13. The members who did not attend the annual meeting need to sign their certificates. It was decided that each member of the Board would try and get neighbors to sign these certificates. This subject will be addressed again at the next meeting to see the progress.


14. Walt Smith reported that Phil said he would reseed his grass. Phil and Walt are still discussing the unfinished cement area.


15. The meeting was adjourned.