Board meeting June 23, 2011

Posted by thawkx4
Meeting Date: 
Thursday, June 23, 2011 - 19:00
  1. Board members present were Duke Cox, Randy Fay, Sandy Cooper, Tanya Hawkins, Denny Wagner, and Ray Musser. Also present was Vicki Miller, treasurer but not a board member and resident John Baker. Randy Miller called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. Duke Cox read the minutes from March 24, 2011 Board Meeting. Duke Cox made a motion to approve the minutes and Sandy Cooper 2nd and the minutes were approved unanimously.
  2. Vicki Miller gave the treasurers report. We have $10,815.28 in checking and $7,048.58 in the reserve account. One member is overdue but Vicki is confident that he will become current. Randy Fay suggested that we move $5,000 from the checking account to the reserve account annually and leave a minimum of $4,000 in the checking account to cover current expenses. Vicki Miller reminded the board members that two of the previous check signers were no longer on the board and that at least 1 or 2 board members would need to sign signature cards at Grand Valley bank. John Baker and Renee Edel (previous board members) would need to be removed. Vicki Miller will also set up our checking and reserve accounts online to make transfer of funds more convenient.
  3. Follow up on the concrete work was discussed and Tanya Hawkins verified with Frank Watt at the Town of Palisade that any sidewalk repair work were responsibility of adjacent property owner which in the Montclair Subdivision is common property and the Home Owners Associations. No contractors had been arranged to do the work and 3 new contractor’s references were given. John Baker suggested Hilltop, Sandy Cooper suggested Jose Cisneros and Ray Musser set up an appointment at 1:00 pm on 6-24-11 with a contractor and John Baker agreed to meet with them. It was also discussed that a portion of the curb near Ray Musser’s home was gone and/or damaged and would also need repaired.
  4. In regards to the pond access, Ed Stehlin agreed to maintain the pond cleaning for this year and a potential solution to the access could be purchasing a different gate as opposed to the previous solution of moving the road which would be at a higher cost. It was discussed that we are still having other issues with the irrigation system in general for example replacing sprinkler heads and dry spots near 837. John Baker expressed concern about a possible mosquito problem in the holding pond and Ray Musser informed the board that the landscaper sprays the pond and it should not be a problem.
  5. A letter from 838 was presented to the board with concerns about having higher dues and felt landscape looked worse than it ever has. The letter was written prior to our irrigation system being operational. Randy Fay will send a response note to Britt Christopher in 838.
  6. The board discussed dogs off of leashes and dog waste as an ongoing problem. It was advised that a notice regarding the Town of Palisade leash law and the dangers of dog waste be sent with each statement every quarter as a reminder to all residents.
  7. Many board members expressed their concern about unit 807 (rental property) as having suspicious activity and Randy Fay agreed to place a phone call to the owner Brad Mollman to insure he is aware of any potential problems.
  8. In further discussion regarding the landscape, Duke Cox made a motion to create a committee regarding timely replacement of water landscape to zero-scape that would allow us to stay within our budget. John Baker agreed to organize such committee. Ray Musser and Duke Cox agreed to be on the committee and John Baker suggested asking Renee Edel in 844 to also participate. John Baker also suggested that Ed Stehlin be involved. Unit 837 (Walt Smith) was suggested as a potential zero scape project.
  9. John Baker spoke with Ed Stehlin about the possibility of the pump going out. It was suggested that the HOA purchase a new pump to have on hand for quick replacement in such case and having the old pump re-build to always insure a back-up plan. Ray Musser suggested repairing the pump in the fall and not purchasing a new one. John Baker suggested including repairs to the pump in the budget. Denny Wagner advised we may be able to purchase a rebuilt motor rather than a new motor to save on costs. John Baker will report back to the board after making a decision with the landscape committee.
  10. Vicki Miller asked about the status of Walt Smith as a board member due to absence from the last two meetings. Randy Fay felt we had enough members on the board and we would not need to replace him currently.
  11. Vicki Miller will send out a phone list flyer to each new resident.
  12. Randy Fay will be getting in touch with our liability insurance carrier regarding our current premium to insure the premium is fair.
  13. Duke Cox scheduled an annual block party/bbq for Saturday, September 10th at 7:00 pm. More information to come.
  14. The next board meeting was scheduled for Thursday, September 22nd, 2011 at 864, John Baker and Vicki Miller’s residence at 7:00 pm.
  15. Meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:45 pm.
    Action Items
    • Transfer of funds from checking account to reserve account and online access to accounts for simplified transfers
    • Signature cards updated for addition and removal of board members
    • Follow up on concrete repair bids
    • Response letter to residents at 838 regarding higher dues and poor landscape appearance
    • Notice to homeowners of dog leash laws and dog waste issues
    • Notification to homeowner of unit 807 regarding suspicious activity
    • Creation of landscape committee
    • Decision from landscape committee in regards to pump replacement/repair
    • Phone list to new residents
    • Liability insurance carrier premium update/review
    • Specifics on scheduled block party/bbq on 9-10-11