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Board Meeting September 22, 2011
- Board members present were Randy Fay, Duke Cox, Tanya Hawkins, Denny Wagner and Ray Musser. Also present were Treasurer, Vicki Miller, resident John Baker and subdivision neighbor Michael Horn. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Randy Fay thanked the HOA for a successful block party.
- Michael Horn was given the floor to discuss the history of the subdivision property. Michael owned the property prior to the developer and witnessed events that may be contributing to our ongoing irrigation and sagging pavement problems. Ed Stehlin was notified recently of pressure issues in the irrigation system and dug up an area on the east side of the subdivision and found broken pipes along with damaged joints. Michael informed the board that it was possible that these issues are being caused by an irrigation line that had been abandoned by the developer which could be causing underground flooding of the subdivision. The board agreed to short term fixes of the irrigation lines as needed. Also, Tanya Hawkins will contact Elam Construction to estimate the sagging pavement in the alley behind units 861 and 857 and that this was an issue that needed to be addressed immediately. The board agreed that the long term plan would be to acquire a survey of the land prior to Michael Horn’s ownership and Ray Musser will locate this survey. (Note: a pdf with photos of the documents Michael showed is attached.)
- Vicki Miller needs notes from the March 2011 board meeting indicating new board members elected. She will print these from the website to give to the bank for an update of signature cards for Randy Fay and Tanya Hawkins.
- Duke Cox made a motion to not read the minutes from the June 23, 2011 meeting, Tanya Hawkins 2nd the motion and the board agreed unanimously. A copy of the June 23, 2011 minutes was distributed to each board member.
- John Baker gave an update on the pump situation and discussed the Pump Man’s recommendation to have gauges installed on the pump to regulate and assist with troubleshooting. John Baker will get a price quote to rebuild the pump and to have the gauges installed and will present it to the board at the next meeting. The board will include the quote in the next year’s budget.
- The concrete issues have still not been resolved and Randy Fay stressed the importance of having the sidewalks repaired. Ray Musser agreed to follow up with a concrete contractor and get the main repairs taken care of immediately. The board agreed to spend the budgeted amount of $1000 to repair the major problem areas and minor repairs will be discussed at a later date.
- The landscape committee has not met but their first plan of action will be to call for bids on an overall plan for xeriscape in the subdivision. Vicki Miller will call for the bids and present them to the board for budget approval at the next meeting.
- Randy Fay asked if the phone list could be included with the quarterly invoices on a separate sheet of paper. Vicki Miller agreed to include the phone list with the next mailing.
- As a solution to the dog waste issue, Randy Fay suggested that when a particular property becomes a problem the board will contact for the cleanup. The expense is $5 per week per property and this amount will be included on the quarterly invoice to the property owner. The board agreed unanimously.
- Randy Fay discussed that each new property owner and/or renter should be given an information packet. He suggested this include contact information for every renter as well as every owner, a basic set of rules (snow removal, dog waste, RV parking). We should also mention our website and an invitation to the board meetings. He also suggested giving violators a friendly warning “Please don’t park your RV”. Tanya Hawkins agreed to update and revise the current handout and distribute to any new residents. Vicki Miller will also include the rental notification agreement in the next invoice mailing.
- John Baker discussed the fascia damage to some units in the subdivision and the responsibility of the owners to make these repairs. John agreed to make a list of all damaged units and update the board at the next meeting.
- The balance sheet shows our checking account balance at $12,048.58 and the reserve account at $6,212.82.
- The next board meeting was scheduled for Thursday, December 15, 2011 at 864, John Baker and Vicki Miller’s residence at 7:00 pm.
- The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:20 pm.
Action items from this meeting:
• Tanya Hawkins will contact Elam Construction to get an estimate on the paving repairs needed in the alley behind units 861 and 857.
• Ray Musser will locate survey of property prior to Michael Horn’s ownership.
• Vicki Miller will print minutes of the March 2011 board meeting to give the bank for new signature cards to board members Randy Fay and Tanya Hawkins.
• John Baker will present quote for pump repairs and gauge installation to the board at 12/15/2011 meeting.
• Ray Musser will follow up on major concrete repairs not to exceed $1000 budgeted amount as soon as possible. Major repairs should be complete prior to 12/15/2011 meeting.
• Vicki Miller will call for bids on total subdivision xeriscape plan coordinated by the landscape committee and present the bids to the board for possible budget approval at the 12/15/2011 meeting.
• Vicki Miller will include phone list and rental agreement with quarterly invoice mailing.
• Tanya Hawkins will update and revise information packets and distribute to new residence in subdivision, owners or renters.