Annual HOA Member Meeting

Posted by thawkx4
Meeting Date: 
Sunday, February 12, 2012 - 16:00

Ray Musser called the meeting to order in place of President Randy Fay who arrived shortly after the start of the meeting. Board members present were Denny Wagner, Tanya Hawkins, Ray Musser, Sandie Cooper, Duke Cox and Walt Smith.
Vicki Miller gave the treasurers report and there is $15,002 in the bank.
The board approved unanimously to approve the meeting minutes from the previous annual meeting.
John Baker informed the members that Columbine landscaping quote for the current budget year had an increase of 5%. The board anticipated an increase on the annual budget.
Two board members will need to be replaced this year. The members to replace are Sandie Cooper and Walt Smith. Due to the lack of members in attendance Sandie Cooper nominated Bill or Terri Cardell and Vickie Miller nominated Jacob Clark. They will contact the members to inquire about their interest in joining the board.
Ruth Young asked about acquiring a copy of the covenants. It was agreed that other than specifics regarding board members all covenant rules have remained the same.
Ray Musser read a letter received from the Town of Palisade regarding the remodel of Hwy 6. The meeting is for anyone interested in being a part of a focus group to initiate ideas for the remodel. They are holding a meeting at the old library building on February 16th at 6:30 to 8:00pm.
John Baker brought up the concern of vehicles parking in the rocks and sidewalks on the properties and the damage this causes to irrigation lines and stress on the sidewalks. It was discussed that if a member sees a violator to please inform them of the cost of damages. The idea of placing a sign at the entrance of the subdivision to inform residents and visitors of the parking rules was also discussed.
Vicki Miller informed the board that she was waiting for a bid to come in from Bookkcliff Landscaping regarding our long term xeroscape plan.
Randy Fay suggested contacting the business again to come on a weekly basis to keep up with the dog waste. Many options for covering the cost of this service were discussed. Some members believed a fee should be assessed to continual problem properties. Other members thought a pet deposit or fee should be included on HOA quarterly statements to each resident that has dogs. The board members agreed to hire a business to do the clean up and include it in the budget. The board will discuss at the next board meeting how to go about assessing costs to cover the service and informing all residents.
Ruth Young brought up concerns about some willow bushes in the subdivision and the amount of labor hours they are taking to maintain. She would like her willow bush removed and the board will discuss the removal of the bush at the next board meeting.
The next board meeting will be held on March 15th, at 7:00 at John Baker and Vicki Miller’s residents.
The meeting was adjourned by Ray Musser at 5:15 pm.