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HOA Board Meeting
Montclair HOA Board Meeting
The meeting was brought to order by President, Randy Fay at approximately 7:00 pm. Board members in attendance were as follows: Duke Cox, Randy Fay, Terry & Bill Cardell, Denny Wagner, Tanya Hawkins, Susan Lasley and Ray Musser. Other HOA residents in attendance were: John Baker, Vicki Miller and Nancy Lewis.
Vicki gave the treasurers report (attached). No HOA members were past due. Checking account balance was at $9,479.63 and $17,100.34 in reserve. The goal for the reserve fund is approximately 1 year worth of dues collected. Vicki will be moving $6,220 to the reserve fund from the checking account. The board unanimously approved the treasures report. Vicki is resigning her treasures duties and Tanya Hawkins will be taking over the treasurers duties. The secretary position will need to be replaced as soon as possible.
Randy Fay presented a proposed budget for 2013 (attached). The proposal from Columbine Landscaping was $17,080 and $4,500 for irrigation. The landscape bid was approved by the board and Ray will speak with Todd and Ed about the irrigation pricing. Ray feels he can run the clocks for the sprinkler system and he also suggested combining both bids at a better rate. Ray will also ask about dredging the pond and will contact Chris regarding pump repair/maintenance. The board approved.
It was determined that the sidewalk repairs are not the HOA’s responsibility therefore the budget for this was changed to $0.
Randy received a liability insurance quote for $900 less than the existing premiums reducing the budgeted amount to $600. After reviewing the specifics in the two policies the board approved to change carriers. Randy Fay will follow-up.
Regarding the drainage issue, the town found 8” to 10” damaged PVC pipe buried at the seepage sight. It has not been determined who is responsible for the buried/crushed water line. The board agreed to ask the town to block the storm drain on the north & south sides of the highway for an undetermined period of time. This seems to solve our seepage issue for the short term or until we are forced to come up with a more permanent solution.
Susan Lasley presented information about replacing damaged trees on the sub-division with purple ash trees.
The annual HOA meeting was scheduled for February 17, 2013 at 4:00 pm at 865 Montclair Drive, Cathy O’Shana’s home. The agenda for the meeting is homeowner private property responsibilities (regarding the sidewalk repairs), going over the proposed 2013 budget, 2 new board members and replacing officers. We need to replace Duke Cox as a board member, Randy Fay as President, Vicki Miller as Treasurer, and Tanya Hawkins as Secretary. Tanya Hawkins has already agreed to replace Vicki Miller as Treasurer and Nancy Lewis will consider joining the Landscape Committee.
The next board meeting is scheduled for March 14th, 2013 at 7:00pm. Location to be decided.