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Annual All-neighborhood meeting
Randy Fay brought the meeting to order at approximately 4:30 pm. Attendees were Denny Wagner Sandy Cooper,Randy Fay, Nancy Lewis, Tanya Hawkins, Ruth Fitzgerald, Ellie N., Ruth Young, Renea Edel, Bill & Terri Cardell and Carolyn Pressler.
Randy went through the line items on the 2013 proposed budget. Ruth Young was concerned about the excess water wasted on watering and suggested that Todd continue doing the landscape and also take care of the irrigation to possibly monitor water usage better. The board will discuss how to better communicate landscape concerns to Todd. Members agreed to add a $600 line item for tree trimming which will come from the reserve fund. Tanya will look up who did work for us in the past and check on the cost. Renea will find a business to trim the trees and she will trim some of the smaller trees.
The HOA reserve fund will soon reach the initial goal of having one years worth of expenses saved. Ruth Fitzgerald will research if that is a resonable amount to have in reserve.
Members agreed that we should have the bylaws & covenance reviewed by an attorney since it has been almost 6-7 years since they were written.
The members agreed that we need to replace the retaining wall with concrete to prevent further deterioration of the current wall. Denny Wagner needs some concrete work done at his property so he would like to work with other members about sidewalk repairs and include the retaining wall to reduce the cost of the materials and labor.
The budget was approved by the members.
Terri & Sandy will coordinate a thank you card/gift for John Baker and Vicki Miller for all of their years of service with the HOA.