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Board Meeting
The Montclair Drive HOA Board of Directors met on December 12, 2013. The meeting was called to order about 7:15 pm. Board members, Bill and Teri Cardell, Randy Fay, Ray Musser, and Denny Wagener were present. Nancy Lewis (resident) was also in attendance.
Minutes: The minutes from the September 12, 2013 Board Meeting and were read and approved.
· Treasurer's Report: Randy Fay presented the Treasurer's Report for Tanya Hawkins who was unable to attend. The report, which is attached, was accepted.
2014 Proposed Budget: The 2014 proposed budget was reviewed and accepted. The budget report, which is attached, will be presented at the annual meeting.
Outstanding projects:
1) A communication system for the residents will be created by Randy Fay and Denny Wagener.
2) Landscaping repairs reported in the September 12th minutes will be completed in the spring along with minor skunk damage repairs. Ray Musser, the landscaping coordinator, will follow up with this and will obtain quotes from landscapers.
3) The offices of President and Vice President of the Board need to be filled and we also need additional Board members.
4) The drainage problem is unresolved. Randy Fay will continue to work with Frank Watts and Rich Sales to try to resolve this problem.
5) The HOA’s Bylaws and Covenants were updated by our attorney. Randy Fay will review the documents to ensure the corrections requested were made.
6) A collection policy is needed for the Association for owners who don’t pay their dues. Randy Fay will create a policy.
Upcoming Meetings:
The annual meeting will be held on March 2, 2014 at 4 pm at Tanya Hawkins’ house (i.e., # 861). Beer, wine and snacks will be provided!
The next HOA Board of Directors meeting will be held on March 13, 2014 at 7:00 pm at Randy Fay & Nancy Lewis’ house (i.e., 848).
Meeting adjournment: The meeting was adjourned around 8:45 pm.