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Board Meeting
Attendees: Teri & Bill Cardell, Sandy Cooper, Randy Fay, Don Krueger and Nancy Lewis
Treasurer's report: [edit] Attached.
Landscaping: Renee Edel's report (attached) was reviewed and discussed. Only the items that required a decision are discussed in these minutes.The first item on Renee's report suggested we treat all the trees and that the HOA should obtain cost quotes in the early spring. We'll either hire someone to spray the trees or we'll ask for volunteers to do the spraying. Randy made a motion to obtain cost quotes in the early spring to spray the trees and Don seconded the motion.
Item #2 on Renee's list: Renee will write a description of the landscaping work needed so we can obtain bids. Renee will ask Todd for a quote and Teri is to ask some other landscapers for quotes.
Item #4 on Renee's list: Nancy proposed looking into grub treatment to determine whether it needs to be done yearly. She said if it is to be done yearly, it should be done in June and in the fall. Randy will start a new budget line item for this.
Item #5: Sandy will call the Town of Palisade to ask if they will take care of the cracks in the road. She will also ask if the Town would address the alleys.
Item #6: It was decided we will wait until the spring (2015) to replace dead shrubs. We agreed at the June 2014 meeting to budget $400 plus labor for this work.
Item #8: Randy will ask Renee to purchase a combination lock for the pump house.
Old items: (1) Fence painting project: Nancy purchased stain and Ray applied it to the fence. Nancy will submit her invoice to Tanya for reimbursement. (2) Nancy will obtain a price quote to purchase a message board and this will be added to the 2015 budget. (3) Don scanned the covenant and bylaw documents and sent them to Randy. The documents need to be proofread; Don and Randy will do this. (4) Teri will look in the HOA's document safe to look for documents that should be posted on the website (5) Randy and Don will work together to prepare a budget for the December meeting. (6) Nancy will contact visitors/owners if people continue to park in front of fire hydrants. (7) Randy will contact Frank to follow up with the tail-water issues. (8) Nancy volunteered to talk to Rich Sales about improving the intersection of the service road / Highway 6 / Elberta which is considered to be a dangerous intersection.
Next meeting: [edit] The next board meeting is December 11, 2014, 7:00pm, and will finalize the 2015 budget proposal. The annual meeting will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at 4:00 pm. The location of the meeting is to be determined.
The meeting adjourned at 8:06 pm.