Regular Board meeting 12/8/2016

Posted by rfay
Meeting Date: 
Thursday, December 8, 2016 - 19:00

Montclair HOA Board Meeting 12/8/2016

The meeting was called to order by Tim Laudick, President, at 7:02pm.

Present were Tim Laudick, President, John McCreary, Nancy Lewis (Landscape), Ray Musser (Vice President), Sandie Cooper (Treasurer), Randy Fay (Secretary)

Treasurer's Report - Sandie Cooper

The board reviewed transactions for the quarter and the balance sheet. We probably have about $3000-$6000 in outstanding bills to pay, mostly to WD Yards. We will end the year with abotu $11,000 in the current (checking) account.

We've been out of contact with Oopsie Poopsie due to change of treasurers, so any units which have incurred extra costs with them have not been billed for those. The board expressed to Sandie that she has discretion about dealing with that issue.

The books show a discrepancy in HOA Dues income ($25000 on books, as opposed to $33,000 actually received). At this point, Sandie has not been able to figure out the reason.

We seem to have 2 missing invoices from WD Yards.

Landscaping - Nancy Lewis, Ray Musser

We had a bit of a learning curve with WD Yards on the winter shutdown of the irrigation system. However, it was determined that they had done the sprinkler blow-out at the proper time, but a few other items waited until later in the season.

An informal review of WD Yards first year performance ensued. It was agreed that the neighborhood looked good, but actual communication and management can be improved. Discussion of when shrub trimming should have happened.

Nancy Lewis suggested that before we consider acceptance of proposal, we need to talk with them about what needs to be improved.

Reviewed WD Yards proposal for 2017. The board noted that their price increase is probably appropriate, and we should accept the proposal, after making sure we've communicated concerns.

John McCreary moved and Ray Musser seconded a motion that the board authorizes Tim Laudick to accept and sign the 2017 proposal at his discretion.

Architectural Issues

  • Board approved John McCreary's screen door proposal.

New business

Nancy Lewis reminded us that gutter cleaning needs to be done now that trees are maturing and dropping leaves into them. - we need to remind people that they need to do that.

Salt is not to be used for snowmelt, Please use proper de-icer. That should be added to that to reminder email.

Review of Complaints: Mike Davis had complained about standing water at previous meeting, but there was a miscommunication with WD Yards about what unit had the problem. The result was that the problem was not solved until after it should have been. Extensive discussion on how to close the loop and prevent this type of miscommunication in the future.

Discussion about issues with water overflowing from orchard to the west (Red Fox), and weeds along the fenceline line. Nancy Lewis wil make sure we meet as neighbors with the owner of Red Fox Orchards, who has been a good neighbor to us.

The next regular board meeting will be Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 7pm. The annual HOA meeting, with budget discussion and vote by the entire membership, will be Sunday, March 19, 2017 at 4:00 pm.

2017 Budget discussion

Budget: The 2017 Proposed Budget as discussed and amended is attached. It will be discussed at the next meeting and voted on by the membership at the Annual meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:55pm.


Note that the financial attachments are dated 12/31/2016 but they're actually not finalized. Full year reports will be available in January 2017.

  • WD Yards 2017 Proposal
  • 4th Quarter Transactions
  • Balance Sheet
  • 2017 Budget

Action Items

  • Sandie Cooper will contact WD Yards to make sure that all invoices have been received.
  • Ray Musser will confirm actual WD Yards winter shutdown procedure. He's concerned about what was done.
  • Ray Musser will follow up on arranging algicide for the pond.
  • Nancy Lewis will make sure that we are more specific with WD Yards about explicit things to be done, especially the trimming, making sure there's an agreed-on written list of tasks.
  • Nancy, Tim, and Ray will do a written evaluation of WD Yards, expressing their priorities and concerns for 2017. They'll discuss this with WD Yards and present it before formal acceptance of the WD Yards 2017 proposal.
  • John McCreary will read covenants and bylaws to confirm how we would enforce architectural change or maintenance concerns.
  • Ray Musser and Tim Laudick remain responsible for investigating and proposing solution to retention pond piping drainage issues.
  • Randy Fay will send an email to our mailing list (and post at mailboxes): 1) Don't use salt for snowmelt, 2) Gutter cleaning will become a priority, Remember snow-shoveling, Mention possible HOA insurance scam.
  • Sandie Cooper will attempt to follow up and understand the possible HOA insurance scam that was reported.
  • Nancy Lewis will make sure board member(s) meet with owner of Red Fox Orchard as a good neighbor.
  • Ray Musser will arrange for a pump rebuild, as this is probably the year for it.
  • Nancy Lewis will make sure that we have a proper plan for dredging the settling pond during the winter and make sure that any access issues are addressed.