Montclair HOA Quarterly Board Meeting 3/21/2019

Posted by rfay
Meeting Date: 
Thursday, March 21, 2019 - 19:00

Present: Randy Fay, Ray Musser, Kristy Musser, Tim Laudick, Bill Carlson, Sandie Cooper, Dan Bollig, Nancy Lewis (by conference call)

Meeting was called to order at 7:08pm

Financial Report: Sandie Cooper

  • $3100 was moved to savings
  • Balance sheet and Income statement are attached
  • All dues are up to date

Sandie moved to accept the report, Ray seconded, accepted unanimously

Budget Discussion

The proposed budget was adjusted to put extra funds in landscape maintenance.
Ray moved, unanimous

Landscaping discussion

  • Bookcliff contract was finalized
  • Tim and Ray removed and moved pump/motor, bought new motor. Bookcliff will pick it up and bring it back and install it.
  • TODO: Tim will make sure the irrigation gate is closed before water comes on.
  • Bill: worries about float that didn't properly shut off. Float needs to be adjusted.
  • TODO: Ray will get Bookcliff to adjust and check valves.
  • Tim points out that irrigation pond probably needs to be pumped out to find out how much sediment is in there.
  • Tim points out it's easier to fix weeds and trees along fenceline now that we don't have an organic orchard next door
  • Aperion will fix sod on east side of street where they left it broken.
  • Returning to Dan's list of shrubs, we should tell them to start on it immediately. Assigned to Dan.
  • April 28, Randy TODO: remind board to walk through the shrub report.

Discussion about concrete edging.

Randy insists it belongs in the 2019 budget. Board adjusted proposed budget to show $3000 for it there.

  • Work Day: Nancy will arrange May 19. Primary goal is trees for Bill, etc.
  • Dog poop: Randy will explain current policy at annual meeting, we may need another increased policy.
  • Board recruiting: Dan from Red wing, talk to him again. Dan Bollig's new buyer might be a good candidate. Discussion of new board members and new officers. Randy said he'd take Treasurer if necessary, Sandy said she'd stay on board. Bill said he'd join. Tim and Ray are OK to continue. Tim will approach Dan from Red Wing.

Nancy will walk the neighborhood to recruit for annual meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:55pm

Action Items:

  • Tim will make sure the irrigation gate is closed before water comes on.
  • Ray will get Bookcliff to adjust and check valves.
  • Randy will remind the board about April 28 to follow up on Dan's shrub report
  • Nancy will arrange May 19 work day
  • Nancy will walk the neighborhood trying to get people to come to annual meeting
  • Randy will explain dog poop policy at annual meeting.

The next quarterly meeting will be Thursday, June 20, 2019, 844 Montclair Dr.