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Board Meeting
Tim Laudick, president, called the meeting to order at 7:02pm. Present were Nancy Lewis (landscaping), Mike Davis (owner of 857), Sandie Cooper (Treasurer), Ray Musser (Vice President), Randy Fay (Secretary), John McCreary,
The quarterly meeting minutes from 12/8/2016 were quickly reviewed. Randy Fay moved, Sandie Cooper seconded acceptance, unanimously accepted.
Treasurer's Report: Sandie Cooper
Sandie presented year-end and current financials (attached).
Sandie moved $1300 to savings account at the end of the year. Our total bank balance is about $5,500 higher than last year at this time. We do have some late payers at this point, including one owner who has not yet paid 4th quarter 2016 dues.
We need to send out a reminder to all residents of the dog poop policy - Dog waste pickup is the responsibility of the homeowner. We have a service that checks for any waste every month; any property that has a pickup by the service is assessed $40 in any month that there is a pickup. Sandie will send out a full explanation with the next billing.
Discussion of how hard it is to maintain a current contact list of both owners and renters, and how important it is to have the list. This will be discussed at the annual meeting on Sunday, March 19. If we can figure out how to maintain a list that way it also helps us to communicate with residents about community rules.
Mike Davis suggested that we could earn more of a return on our savings at Discover Bank.
Ray Musser moved, Randy Fay seconded acceptance of the Treasurer's Report, and it was accepted unanimously.
- The 2017 WD Yards contract is complete and signed.
- Pump and Motor status: Although we don't have a current problem with the irrigation pump and motor, it has been suggested that we purchase the needed parts and a motor and keep them on hand. We have already budgeted this expense. Ray Musser will proceed with this purchase.
- Pond moss and algae: Since there are legalities concerning algicide for the pond, it was decided not to apply it at all. Instead, we will be careful to keep the aerator working.
- Workday: Nancy Lewis will schedule a community workday.
- Pond Dredging: This has been scheduled with WD Yards for the week of March 13, 2017.
- East Common Area Drainage: Mike Davis raised discussion of xeriscaping of the problematic east common area. There is not anything current budgeted for this year, but it may be discussed at the annual meeting.
- Concrete edging: Continued discussion of replacing the metal edging in some parts of the community, as it's popping out and hard to maintain. This is not in the proposed budget, but can be discussed at the annual meeting.
Unfinished Business
- 2017 Budget proposal is nearly complete and the budget proposal accepted by the board at the December meeting. There may be some small changes based on WD Yards finalizing some charges.
- Concerns about exterior maintenance: It was noted that the exterior of some homes is needing some maintenance. Specific notification needs to be sent about this, will be managed in the Action Items below.
- ** The next board meeting was scheduled for June 1, 2017, 7pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:26pm.
Action Items
- Sandie Cooper will call Oopsy Poopsy about 1) Making sure that notification is placed on the door of people when there's a poop pickup at their house and 2) Make sure that the common areas get picked up.
- Sandie Cooper will send a written version of the poop policy with the next bill.
- Randy Fay will update the 2017 proposed budget with numbers from the 2016 Budget Variance Document (attached), which wasn't complete at the time of the December meeting.
- Ray Musser will purchase a spare motor and spare parts for the pump.
- Nancy Lewis will schedule a community workday to 1) Stain the fence by the pond, 2) Clean up the pumphouse, Paint the pumphouse, 4) Fix the solar-powered light on the sign. (Nancy has suggested April 22 or May 6th)
- Tim Laudick will review the bid he earlier obtained for concrete edging, and may bring it up for discussion at the annual meeting, or propose it for the 2018 budget.
- Tim Laudick will contact Rainbow Valley Asphalt about some cracking in the asphalt work they did in 2015.
- Tim Laudick will draft a letter to be sent to all homeowners explaining that our houses are now 10 years old and explaining some of the issues that are appearing. This can be put in the July dues bill.
- Tim Laudick and Ray Musser will walk the neighborhood and take inventory of units with external maintenance problems.
- Tim Laudick will write a specific letters to owners of specific houses that have obvious maintenance problems, asking them to deal with those issues.
- Randy Fay will put out notification of the annual meeting at the mailboxes and via the email list. (done)
Topics for the Annual Meeting (4pm Sunday, March 19, 2017, 857 Montclair Dr):
- Budget explanation and approval
- Financials from 2016 and YTD
- Discuss how to maintain contact information for all residents and owners.
- Board Member and officer recruitment (and board member elections)
- Nancy Lewis will propose a workday date.
- Poll HOA members about what they think the most important upcoming capital expenditures are.
- Discuss possible 2017 or 2018 work on concrete edging and/or rework/xeriscaping of east common area.
- Discuss specific issues about townhome maintenance problems.
- Get updated contact info from attendees.