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2017 Annual Meeting
Meeting Date:
Sunday, March 19, 2017 - 16:00
Montclair HOA Annual Meeting, March 19, 2017
Present: John McCreary, Ray Musser, Kristy Musser, Nancy Lewis, Linda Davis, Mike Davis, Randy Fay, Tim Laudick.
Tim Laudick, HOA board president, called the meeting to order at 4:25pm and expressed his thanks to Mike and LInda Davis for hosting the meeting.
Financials and Budget
- Randy Fay presented the 2017 budget and 2016 financials in the absence of treasurer Sandie Cooper. Ray Musser moved to approve the 2017 budget, Linda Davis seconded, It was approved unanimously.
- Discussion of reserve fund purpose: The reserve fund strategy has been to have a year's income available for emergencies.
Landscaping report
- Nancy Lewis reported that we got new landscaping bids at the end of 2015, and chose a new vendor, WD Yards. 2016 was the first year with WD Yards, and although it wasn't 100% perfect, she was very happy to have all landscaping functions with one vendor. The WD Yards 2017 bid incorporated a 5% increase, which they blamed on increasing Colorado minimum wage. However, WD Yards does not expect an increase for 2018, and they do predict an increase for 2019.
- The dredging of the settling pond is expected shortly.
- WD Yards now has a ticketing system that may improve communications with them about specific tasks.
- Board members who communicate with WD Yards are responsible to follow through and make sure the issue is properly tracked (ask for a ticket number!)
- Tim Laudick expressed concern that WD Yards had not begun crucial Spring activities.
- Kristy Musser expressed concern with increasing dog poop problems, and the conversations from the recent board meeting was referenced.
Neighborhood Work Day
Nancy Lewis has scheduled a community work day for Saturday, April 22, 2017. Everyone is invited!
- Future Capital Improvements discussions:
- Tim Laudick proposed gradual replacement of metal edging with concrete edging.
- Mike Davis discussed xeriscaping in general (as a long-term plan) and short-term for the east-side common area next to his house.
- Townhome maintenance: Some important exterior issues are deserving some love.
Board Member Nominations
Randy Fay nominated Mike Davis to the board. Nancy Lewis seconded, he was elected unanimously.
- Discussion of how to pay for various expenses: Decision to get an account at the Ace hardware store.
- Nancy lewis wants to organize a neighborhood barbecue this year. Kristy Musser and Linda Davis volunteered to help, and Marcia McCreary's name was mentioned.
- Ray Musser expressed his gratitude to all for keeping the neighborhood nice.
Action items
- Someone on the board will open an account at the Ace Hardware store; Key people who need it will be listed on it.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00pm.