Meeting Minutes

HOA Board Meeting

20 Mar 2013
Posted by rfay
March 14, 2013 - 7:00pm

The Montclair Drive HOA Board of Directors met March 14, 2013. The meeting was called to order about 7:00pm. Board members Tanya Hawkins, Denny Wagener, and Randy Fay were present. Ray Musser arrived later and resident Nancy Lewis was in attendance for part of the meeting.  Since the Secretary was not present, Randy took notes.


Posted by thawkx4
February 17, 2013 - 4:00pm

Randy Fay brought the meeting to order at approximately 4:30 pm. Attendees were Denny Wagner Sandy Cooper,Randy Fay, Nancy Lewis, Tanya Hawkins, Ruth Fitzgerald, Ellie N., Ruth Young, Renea Edel, Bill & Terri Cardell and Carolyn Pressler.
Randy went through the line items on the 2013 proposed budget. Ruth Young was concerned about the excess water wasted on watering and suggested that Todd continue doing the landscape and also take care of the irrigation to possibly monitor water usage better. The board will discuss how to better communicate landscape concerns to Todd. Members agreed to add a $600 line item for tree trimming which will come from the reserve fund. Tanya will look up who did work for us in the past and check on the cost. Renea will find a business to trim the trees and she will trim some of the smaller trees.
The HOA reserve fund will soon reach the initial goal of having one years worth of expenses saved. Ruth Fitzgerald will research if that is a resonable amount to have in reserve.
Members agreed that we should have the bylaws & covenance reviewed by an attorney since it has been almost 6-7 years since they were written.

HOA Board Meeting

14 Jan 2013
Posted by thawkx4
December 13, 2012 - 7:00pm

Montclair HOA Board Meeting
The meeting was brought to order by President, Randy Fay at approximately 7:00 pm. Board members in attendance were as follows: Duke Cox, Randy Fay, Terry & Bill Cardell, Denny Wagner, Tanya Hawkins, Susan Lasley and Ray Musser. Other HOA residents in attendance were: John Baker, Vicki Miller and Nancy Lewis.
Vicki gave the treasurers report (attached). No HOA members were past due. Checking account balance was at $9,479.63 and $17,100.34 in reserve. The goal for the reserve fund is approximately 1 year worth of dues collected. Vicki will be moving $6,220 to the reserve fund from the checking account. The board unanimously approved the treasures report. Vicki is resigning her treasures duties and Tanya Hawkins will be taking over the treasurers duties. The secretary position will need to be replaced as soon as possible.

Board Meeting

05 Oct 2012
Posted by thawkx4
September 20, 2012 - 7:00pm

Thursday 9/20/12

Randy Fay called the meeting to order at 7:14 pm. In attendance are Renee Edel, Randy Fay, Ray Musser, Tanya Hawkins, Vicki Miller, Susan Lasley and Bill and Teri Cardell. The board minutes from July 14th, 2012 were read and approved by the board.
Discussion began on the irrigation line that is now seeping through the ground onto HOA land west of Mike Horn’s property. The board discussed the options to alleviate the problem immediately and what long term solutions might be. Legal action could be too long term. Frank Watt with the city did a utility locate for the subdivision. Randy discovered that the water flow coming up at Ellie’s does correlate with water in the drain across hwy. Ray and Randy brought up the possibility that the water could also be coming from other sources. The board discussed stopping the water flow into the grate across the hwy and waiting a period of time to see if that would pin point the source. Ray made a motion to block the irrigation in cooperation with the town and the board agreed. The board also agreed to do a drain test before contacting an attorney.

Board Meeting

20 Jun 2012
Posted by thawkx4
June 14, 2012 - 7:00pm

The meeting was called to order at 7:14 pm by Randy Fay. Board members in attendance were Randy Fay, Ray Musser, Tanya Hawkins and Duke Cox. Also in attendance were HOA members Vicki Miller (Treasurer), John Baker, Nancy Lewis, Ruth Young and potential new board member Susan Lasley.
John showed the board members a few areas of concern around the subdivision.
1. Erosion at the retaining wall at the drainage site along with debris prohibiting proper drainage.
2. Several dead trees in the common area. Possible replacement ideas included red wood trees or Susan suggested blue ash. John was given the information that it will cost approximately $250 for tree removal and the board has already budgeted for this expense in landscape replacement.
3. There are some bushes at Cathy O’Shana’s residence that is obstructing sidewalks and visibility issues to the south of her driveway. John suggested removing the bushes while other members thought major trimming may solve the problem.
4. Dry spots in the grass north of 857, 847 and at 837.

Posted by rfay
March 22, 2012 - 8:00pm

 The meeting on March 22 did not get a quorum. The following email was sent out to the board to replace it:

OK, So this email will have to do for our meeting for this past quarter.

Posted by thawkx4
February 12, 2012 - 4:00pm

Ray Musser called the meeting to order in place of President Randy Fay who arrived shortly after the start of the meeting. Board members present were Denny Wagner, Tanya Hawkins, Ray Musser, Sandie Cooper, Duke Cox and Walt Smith.
Vicki Miller gave the treasurers report and there is $15,002 in the bank.
The board approved unanimously to approve the meeting minutes from the previous annual meeting.
John Baker informed the members that Columbine landscaping quote for the current budget year had an increase of 5%. The board anticipated an increase on the annual budget.
Two board members will need to be replaced this year. The members to replace are Sandie Cooper and Walt Smith. Due to the lack of members in attendance Sandie Cooper nominated Bill or Terri Cardell and Vickie Miller nominated Jacob Clark. They will contact the members to inquire about their interest in joining the board.
Ruth Young asked about acquiring a copy of the covenants. It was agreed that other than specifics regarding board members all covenant rules have remained the same.

Board Meeting

12 Jan 2012
Posted by thawkx4
December 15, 2011 - 7:00pm
  1. Board meeting was called to order by President Randy Fay at approximately 7:08 pm. Board members in attendance were Randy Fay, Tanya Hawkins, Ray Musser, Duke Cox, Denny Wagner, Sandie Cooper. Also present was Vickie Miller (treasurer) and resident John Baker.
Posted by thawkx4
September 22, 2011 - 7:00pm
  1. Board members present were Randy Fay, Duke Cox, Tanya Hawkins, Denny Wagner and Ray Musser. Also present were Treasurer, Vicki Miller, resident John Baker and subdivision neighbor Michael Horn. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Randy Fay thanked the HOA for a successful block party.
Posted by thawkx4
June 23, 2011 - 7:00pm
  1. Board members present were Duke Cox, Randy Fay, Sandy Cooper, Tanya Hawkins, Denny Wagner, and Ray Musser. Also present was Vicki Miller, treasurer but not a board member and resident John Baker. Randy Miller called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. Duke Cox read the minutes from March 24, 2011 Board Meeting. Duke Cox made a motion to approve the minutes and Sandy Cooper 2nd and the minutes were approved unanimously.
  2. Vicki Miller gave the treasurers report. We have $10,815.28 in checking and $7,048.58 in the reserve account. One member is overdue but Vicki is confident that he will become current. Randy Fay suggested that we move $5,000 from the checking account to the reserve account annually and leave a minimum of $4,000 in the checking account to cover current expenses. Vicki Miller reminded the board members that two of the previous check signers were no longer on the board and that at least 1 or 2 board members would need to sign signature cards at Grand Valley bank. John Baker and Renee Edel (previous board members) would need to be removed. Vicki Miller will also set up our checking and reserve accounts online to make transfer of funds more convenient.
Posted by thawkx4
June 23, 2011 - 7:00pm
Posted by thawkx4
March 24, 2011 - 7:00pm

1. Board members present were resigned Board members John Baker and Renee Edel and Current board members Randy Fay, Denny, Tanya Hawkins, Duke Cox, Ray Musser and Sandie Cooper. May it be noted that Sharon Hytinen is no longer on the board due to the sale of her property in the Montclair subdivision.

Annual Meeting

25 Feb 2011
Posted by rfay
February 13, 2011 - 4:00pm



1. John Baker, the president, called the meeting to order at 4:10pm. The Members were welcomed to the meeting and thanked them for attendance. The signatures and proxy forms were counted. There were 12 members present and 7 proxy forms. The Board was introduced to the members.

Posted by rfay
November 11, 2010 - 7:00pm

1. Board members present were John Baker, Renee Edel, Sandie Cooper, Walt Smith and Randy Fay. Vickie Miller the Treasurer was also present.


2. John Baker called the meeting to order at 7pm. The minutes from the Board meeting on 8/19/2010 were read and approved.


Posted by rfay
August 19, 2010 - 7:00pm

Minutes from the Montclair HOA Board Meeting. (approved at 11 Nov 2010 meeting)


Posted by rfay
May 13, 2010 - 7:00pm

1. Board members present were John Baker, Randy Fay, Renee Edel, Tanya Hawkins, Sharon Hytinen, and Walt Smith. Vickie Miller, the Treasurer, was also present


Posted by rfay
March 11, 2010 - 7:00pm

Minutes from the Montclair HOA Board Meeting.


Posted by Anonymous (not verified)
February 14, 2010 - 4:00pm


1. John Baker, the president, called the meeting to order at 4:00pm. The Members were welcomed to the meeting and thanked them for attendance. The signatures and proxy forms were counted. There were 12 members present and 9 proxy forms.  

Posted by rfay
January 7, 2010 - 7:00pm

1. Board members present were John Baker, Ray Musser, Sandie Cooper, Renee Edel,  Duke Cox, and Walt Smith. Vickie Miller, the Treasurer, was also present 

2. John Baker called the meeting to order at 7pm. The minutes from the Board meeting on 10/15/09 were read and approved by the Board. The motion was made by Duke and 2nd by Walt, the motion passed unanimously. 

Posted by Anonymous (not verified)
October 15, 2009 - 6:30pm


