Meeting Minutes

2017 Annual Meeting

03 Apr 2017
Posted by rfay
March 19, 2017 - 4:00pm

Montclair HOA Annual Meeting, March 19, 2017

Present: John McCreary, Ray Musser, Kristy Musser, Nancy Lewis, Linda Davis, Mike Davis, Randy Fay, Tim Laudick.

Tim Laudick, HOA board president, called the meeting to order at 4:25pm and expressed his thanks to Mike and LInda Davis for hosting the meeting.

Board Meeting

14 Mar 2017
Posted by rfay
March 9, 2017 - 7:00pm

Tim Laudick, president, called the meeting to order at 7:02pm. Present were Nancy Lewis (landscaping), Mike Davis (owner of 857), Sandie Cooper (Treasurer), Ray Musser (Vice President), Randy Fay (Secretary), John McCreary,

The quarterly meeting minutes from 12/8/2016 were quickly reviewed. Randy Fay moved, Sandie Cooper seconded acceptance, unanimously accepted.

Treasurer's Report: Sandie Cooper

Sandie presented year-end and current financials (attached).

Posted by rfay
December 8, 2016 - 7:00pm

Montclair HOA Board Meeting 12/8/2016

The meeting was called to order by Tim Laudick, President, at 7:02pm.

Present were Tim Laudick, President, John McCreary, Nancy Lewis (Landscape), Ray Musser (Vice President), Sandie Cooper (Treasurer), Randy Fay (Secretary)

Treasurer's Report - Sandie Cooper

The board reviewed transactions for the quarter and the balance sheet. We probably have about $3000-$6000 in outstanding bills to pay, mostly to WD Yards. We will end the year with abotu $11,000 in the current (checking) account.

Posted by rfay
September 8, 2016 - 7:00pm

Tim Laudick, president called the meeting to order at 7:05pm

Present: Tim Laudick (president), Sandie Cooper (Treasurer), Mike Davis (owner of 857), Randy Fay (Secretary), Ray Musser, Ron LeCrone.

The minutes from June 7, 2016 board meeting were approved, moved by Sandie Cooper, seconded by Ray Musser, approved unanimously.

Posted by rfay
June 7, 2016 - 7:00pm

Present: Randy Fay, Leslie Randolph, Susie and Chuck Black (868), Wilma Harbin, Ruth Young, Ray and Kristy Musser, Tim Laudick, Sandie Cooper, Ron LeCrone, John McCreary, Chuck & Susie.

The meeting was called to order by Sandie Cooper, president, at 7:10pm

Minutes from the March 3 board meeting and April 10 annual meeting were approved unanimously.

2016 Annual Meeting

15 Apr 2016
Posted by rfay
April 10, 2016 - 4:00pm

Sandie Cooper, president, called the meeting to order 4:15pm.

Present: Sandie Cooper (Board pres), Randy Fay (Board sec), Ron LeCrone, Nancy Lewis (Board), Kristy Musser, Jack and Wilma Harbin, John McCreary and Marsha McCreary, Ruth Young, Tanya Hawkins (Treasurer), Tim Laudick (Board), Ray Musser (Board), Ping Ryan, Bill Carlson.

Posted by rfay
March 3, 2016 - 7:00pm

Present: Tanya Hawkins, Nancy Lewis, Tim Laudick, Ray Musser, Randy Fay, Sandie Cooper

President Sandie Cooper called the meeting to order at 7:06pm.

Posted by rfay
December 15, 2015 - 7:00pm

The meeting was called to order 7:08pm December 15, 2016. Present were Dan Bollig, Sandie Cooper (President), Tanya Hawkins (Treasurer), Nancy Lewis (Landscaping), Christie Musser, Ray Musser (Landscaping), Tim Laudick, Randy Fay (Secretary).

Approval of minutes

Tim Laudick moved to accept Sept 8 meeting minutes, the motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer's Report from Tanya Hawkins

Only one unit has an outstanding payment, the others up-to-date.

Board Meeting

14 Sep 2015
Posted by rfay
September 9, 2015 - 7:00pm

Montclair Drive HOA Meeting, Sept 9, 2015

The board meeting of the Montclair Drive HOA was held September 9, 2015.

Present: Board members Sandie Cooper (president), Nancy Lewis (landscaping), Randy Fay (Secretary), Christie and Ray Musser, Dan Bollig, Tim Laudick. Tanya Hawkins, Treasurer, and new community member John McCreary (807),.

President Sandie Cooper called the meeting to order at 7:08pm.

The minutes from the June meeting were unanimously approved.

Unfinished Business

  1. Treasurer's Report (attached) from Tanya Hawkins. All members have paid all invoices at this point, some are paid ahead. Current balances are $5999 in checking, $29,390 in Savings/Reserve.
  2. Landscaping Report from Nancy Lewis: Landscaping is in good shape. Nancy asked Todd for a quote for next year and has requested full landscaping bids from other companies. She is arranging pruning for shrubs for the fall. Discussion ensued about when aggressive shrub trimming should take place (Spring or Fall).

Board Meeting

09 Jun 2015
Posted by rfay
June 4, 2015 - 7:00pm

The quarterly board meeting of the Montclair Drive HOA was held June 4, 2015.

Present: Board members Sandie Cooper, Randy Fay, Tim Laudick, Dan Bollig, Ray Musser, Nancy Lewis, and community members Wilma and Jack Harbin, Christie Musser.

President Sandie Cooper called the meeting to order at 7:07pm.

Unfinished Business

  1. Financial Report (attached)

    The board reviewed the financial reports and detailed expenditure reports. There was some confusion about how to correlate the expenditures with the budget. The board asked Randy Fay to contact Tanya Hawkins, treasurer, to request a profit/loss statement which include budget vs actual.

    At this point the discussion led into landscaping concerns, since most of the budget items were landscaping items.

    • The pond was dredged this year. Costs to Ed Stehlin for pond dredging and repair of the irrigation system were higher than expected.
    • Ray and Christie Musser did the shrub trimming at lower than budgeted cost. (thanks!)
  2. Notice board was installed and new light for the "Montclair" sign at the end of the street was installed, both by Dan Bollig. Thanks!

Board Meeting

27 Mar 2015
Posted by thawkx4
March 26, 2015 - 9:30pm

Board meeting called to order at 9:30 pm

Randy read December board meeting minutes

Board approved minutes

Randy discussed filing amendments with the state

Pond dredging has been done by Ed

Next board meeting scheduled for June 4th at 7:00 pm

meeting adjourned at 9:34 pm

Annual Member Meeting

27 Mar 2015
Posted by thawkx4
March 26, 2015 - 7:30pm

meeting called to order by Randy Fay board member at 7:36 pm.


Randy Fay 848 board member
Ruth Young 872
Tim Laudick 844
Christi and Ray 866 Landscape comittee
Tanya Hawkins 861 treasurer
Sandie Cooper 832 board member
Denny Wagner 860 board member
nancy lewis 848 board member and vP
andrew anderson 868
dan bollig 864
jack and wilma 857

financials end of year 2014
checking balance $6845.37
savings balance $29,376.18

questions regarding last years budget, Ray concerned about over budget on contracted landscape and some expenses are allocated

the board agreed to accept last years financials

current status

checking $16106
savings $29376.18

nancy purchased message board for HoA Randy asked nancy to check with post master regarding message board

2015 proposed budget
big budget line item is asphalt work on street behind west units, pot holes and low spots, $5350.
Ruth Young asked about curb and gutter that ajoins asphalt and the board will bring that upk when the work is discussed
with the contractor, Rainbow valley asphalt

Board Meeting

22 Oct 2014
Posted by Teri Cardell
September 18, 2014 - 7:00pm

Attendees: Teri & Bill Cardell, Sandy Cooper, Randy Fay, Don Krueger and Nancy Lewis

Treasurer's report: [edit] Attached.


24 Jun 2014
Posted by Teri Cardell
June 12, 2014 - 7:00pm

Board Meeting

13 Mar 2014
Posted by rfay
March 14, 2014 - 7:00pm

Attendees: Bill and Teri Cardell, Sandy Cooper, Rene Edel, Randy Fay, Nancy Lewis, Ray Musser and Jack and Wilma Harbin.

Board Officers/Members:  Sandy Cooper, Don Krueger and Nancy Lewis were nominated to be Board members. Outgoing officers, Randy Fay and Ray Musser, agreed to remain on the Board.  The new officers will be Teri Cardell as President, Nancy Lewis as Vice President, Tanya Hawkins as Treasurer and Bill Cardell as Secretary.

Treasurer’s report: The report, as presented at the annual meeting, was again reviewed and is attached as part of these minutes.  

Landscaping:  Renee Edel volunteered to manage the landscaping contracts. A contract has been signed with Todd Coffin @ $55/per hour and with Ed Stahlin @ $40 per hour. Todd will be told to let Rene Edel know when he has reached $1600 in landscaping charges.  We will again trade non-mowing weeks for pruning time. 

$17,080 has been budgeted for landscape maintenance. Shrub trimming estimate: $2500 / $1600 is budgeted for 2014. Grub treatment contract: $850 (is not in the budget, but is being added into the 2014 budget). Sprinkler/Irrigation work will be done at $55/per hour with no contract. ($3000 is budgeted).

Ed Stahlin will dredge the pond this year for $750 - $800. The bid by Ed for the repair work to be done in the common area by Jack and Wilma Harbin’s house is $4080, but the original Xeriscape design was changed to remove the high point in the common area, add a swale and maintain grass in the common area. It was agreed the work needs to be done; a budget of $5K was approved. The bid by Ed for the repair to the landscaping by Walt and Carol Smith’s house is $2575; a budget of $2K was approved.

The fence around the retention pond needs to be repaired. Nancy Lewis will purchase sealant and a sprayer; Ray Musser volunteered to do the work.

Parking complaints: Complaints have been received by HOA residents concerning on-street parking in front of # 837 and # 835. Randy will call the owners to discuss the problem/resolve the issue.

To do project: Randy will send a list of member’s names that need to be updated with phone number and email addresses to Ray Musser to update the HOA’s spreadsheet.

Next meeting: June 12th at 7 pm at the house of Randy Fay and Nancy Lewis (# 848).

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.


2014 Annual Meeting

03 Mar 2014
Posted by Teri Cardell
March 2, 2014 - 4:30pm

Meeting commenced at 4:20 p.m.

Board Meeting

13 Dec 2013
Posted by Teri Cardell
December 12, 2013 - 7:00pm

Board Meeting

17 Sep 2013
Posted by Teri Cardell
September 12, 2013 - 7:00pm

Attendees: Randy Fay, Tanya Hawkins, Ray Musser, Bill and Teri Cardell


1) The HOA's landscaper, Todd said it will cost approximately $500 - $600 to fix Jack & Wilma Harbin's low spot in the fall.

2) Ruth Young wants replacement bushes. Ray will ask Todd to take care of this.

3) Ray will obtain bids from both Todd and Ed to provide a non-grass landscape and will review the bids with Walt Smith. We have the funds to complete the work if it can be done this year. If the work cannot be done in 2013, the funds will be saved in the budget for 2014.

4) The HOA agreed to have both Todd and Ed make repairs as they see need to be completed, but if the cost is going to exceed $100, they are to contact Ray to obtain authorization.

5) The plans we left with Merrit will be retrieved by Randy and we will try to find another vendor. A letter will be prepared to present to Rich Sales (we want to collaborate with the Town of Palisade to repair the drainage ditch) and we expect to spend some money toward the repair.


1) The Treasurer's report was read and accepted. See attachments.

2) Susan Lasley resigned from the Board.

Board Meeting

16 Jun 2013
Posted by Teri Cardell
June 13, 2013 - 7:00pm

The Montclair Drive HOA Board of Directors met June 13, 2013 at Randy Fay’s house. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm. Board members present were: Bill and Teri Cardell, Tanya Hawkins, Randy Fay, Ray Musser and Denny Wagener. Also present were residents Wilma & Jack Harbin and Ruth Young.

Old business (Action items from last Board Meeting):

  1. Randy will contact the attorney to arrange for an update of our Bylaws and Covenant, as approved by the membership at the annual meeting: Update: This is on Randy’s “to-do” list.
  2. Randy will ask Teri and Sandy if they were able to get the thank-you sent to John and Vicky. Update: A thank you gift containing a variety of dried fruits from Alida’s and a bottle of wine from Mesa Park vineyards was sent to Vickie Miller and John Baker.
  3. This year we should add a line item for landscape improvement. Update: This was done.
  4. Tanya will make sure that Vicky's signing authority is removed at the bank. Update: This was done.
  5. Tanya will teach Teri the Secretary duties. Update: This was done.
  6. Denny will make sure the concrete waste behind 872 is gone. Update: This was done.
